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Jurisdiction and venue:

(Click "Jurisdiction..." at left for more detail.)

A cause of action arising solely from the use of the IPDOS (tm) software is not subject to territorial jurisdiction. A cause of action arising solely from the use of IdeaFarm (tm) Piggyback Distributed Operating System (IPDOS (tm)) for any purpose, including without limitation sending, receiving, storing, retrieving, or viewing electronic speech or information, is, without more, deemed to occur within IdeaFarm (tm) City and not subject to territorial jurisdiction.

All other causes of action against Wo'O IdeaFarm Operations are subject to U.S. jurisdiction. A cause of action with a physical nexus to U.S. territory or with conventional Internet communication (email, web, etc.) is subject to U.S. jurisdiction and venue (Alameda, California, USA). Wo'O IdeaFarm is a dual citizen of the United States of America (primary) and of IdeaFarm (tm) City (secondary).