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Every physiological and cognitive feature of the oo naked humans pictured below serves an evolutionary purpose, not to promote the interests of the individual, but to promote survival of the fittest genes (physiology) and memes (way of life, roles, culture).

Source: [https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex] (Creative Commons License)

Take a close look at every feature of the male and the female body pictured above, to comprehend its obvious purpose in the evolutionary process. If we could see, for these individuals, the thoughts and world view and concept of self within the world, we would see the same thing, that all of these cognitive patterns also tend to serve, not the individual, but the larger thing of which he or she is a part. Notice, for a "way of life" example, that the otherwise naked female has applied color to all of her toenails. Every facet of each of these individuals is designed to promote evolutionary sucess for both genes and memes. (Similarly, your reaction to seeing this image of naked humans reveals wo or more aspects of human cognition, such as modesty, disapproval, or sexual arousal, that also exist because they serve an evolutionary purpose.)