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Wo'O's Table (tm)



If you think that you are empowered as a man or woman, you do not yet comprehend your situation.

No government or person is going to give you power.

You must take power by force of will.


To empower yourself, you must work to empower one another.

You must actively participate in a real community ....

... united by a shared vision.


Who: (Click "Who:" to read this IdeaFarm (tm) Knowledge Tree branch in full detail.) You are welcome to use the BAN if you are a human being on the planet Earth and can read and write in English. There is no language or nationality requirement for you to participate in Wo'O's Table (tm). For people physically present within the territory of the United States of America, a "best American" is anywo who devotes his or her life to service to the People of the United States of America. In practice, a "best American" is anywo, worldwide, who lives in service to the People of his country, culture, or religion, in opposition to whatever forms evil takes in that country, culture, or religion. The mission of IdeaFarm (tm) Operations is to empower the People against Established Evil worldwide by promoting unselfish living.


IdeaFarm (tm) City

Federal Constitutional Protectorate of the United States of America

a sovereign constitutional monarchy in cyberspace






You will need:

a personal computer with Microsoft Windows installed

IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle installed and activated on that computer

a credit card (to purchase anonymous credentials)

a willingness to actively participate in a real community ...

... and embrace our vision as your own

Meet the 2007 version of the organizer and his vision:

Act now:

"You are doing something good and important. How can I help?"

Can you say that, and mean it?

If yes, then click some or all of these links to get started:

To become economically "born again" by embracing a new plan for your economic life:


To install IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle and then help test the software for the BAN (tm):


To help expose and defeat bribery, racketeering, and treason within the Supreme Court of the United States:



"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. (William James)"

"The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will. (J. Arthur Thomson)"