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Wo'O's Table (tm)

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If you think that you are empowered as a man or woman, you do not yet comprehend your situation.

No government or person is going to give you power.

You must take power by force of will.


To empower yourself, you must work to empower wo another.

You must actively participate in a real community ....

... united by a shared vision.

What might be true can be more important than what is true. If you are on a crowded sidewalk and you hear, "He's got a gun!", do you immediately take cover, or do you stand there, looking around to see whether it is true? The smart move is to take cover immediately, because if you heed a false warning, you are merely inconvenienced, but if you ignore a true warning, you risk death. In decision theory, this is called "loss function analysis".

This page presents a "what might be true" possibility and an invitation to action. It's a, "He's got a gun!", shout by a 70 year old economist (Ph.D. Lite, University of Chicago) who sees what others do not yet see, that life can become much better (true community, liberty, justice, and economic empowerment for all), and can also become much worse (nuclear war, slavery for all). As you read this page, you might think, "Nawwh, it ain't so." But if your next thought is, "Yeah, but what if this is true and I don't act?", then this page was written for you.

This invitation is for every normal, productive adult, worldwide, to improve his or her life by adopting a new way of thinking about self. It is not an invitation to quit your job, leave your spouse, and go off to a faraway place to live in a utopian community. We simply invite you to choose to be an unselfish person, and to then seek association with others who have made the same choice. Our mission is to create a compelling incentive for you to make that choice.

To comprehend your situation, you must see your life in context, and you must embrace fo facts: Wo'th, individualism is an illusion; you are in fact a part of something larger, and everything about you, including your thoughts, your emotions, and the features of your body, are shaped and determined by that larger thing. Oo'th, every aspect of you is designed to serve that larger thing; you can deny it, you can rebel against it, but you cannot defeat it, and if you try, you will self destruct, which is also by design. Re'th, what economists call the "Invisible Hand" is real, and to empower yourself, you must harness its power. Fo'th, the "Invisible Fist" is also real, and to empower yourself, you must "see" it so that you can prevail against it, and then you must do so.

A poem: "The Illusion Of individuality"

I thought, "Thank God that I am not a mouse spinning a running wheel in a cage!"
But then i saw my cage and the running wheel that i was spinning.

I thought, "Thank God that I live in an orderly and peaceful village!"
But then i saw the violence and chaos of the jungle, and that there was no village.

I thought, "Thank God that I am not an insect, easily smashed by a thumb!"
But then i saw the enormous thumb, and was terrified.

I thought, "Thank God that I am a male with a powerful body, a laborer and carpenter!"
But then i broke my neck, became paralyzed, and lost all of my muscles.

I thought, "Thank God that I am young and handsome and will live forever!"
But then i became old and saw the momentary flicker of my life in the expanse of time.

I thought, "Thank God that my wife loves me, as I love her, that she is no whore!"
But then she was gone, and i saw that all women are whores.

I thought, "Thank God that I, and all that I see, are real, and that God is an illusion!"
But then i saw that i, and all that i see, are illusion, and that only God is real.

Savoring my accumulated wisdom, I thought, "Thank God that I am no longer blind!"
But then i saw that i merely cannot see that i am still blind.

Teaching #1 of 14: "Intelligent Study: How and Why"

To become wise, study intelligently. Practically all of humanity's accumulated knowledge and wisdom is accessible within minutes on today's Internet. But to benefit from this opportunity, you must know how to study intelligently, and you must hunger for knowledge and wisdom or for your consequent empowerment. The key to studying intelligently and to become wise is to do these things in equal proportion:

  1. Read.
  2. Reflect.
  3. Discuss.
  4. Apply.
Do not do any of these things just for entertainment. If you do not expect to be able to apply what you are learning, you are wasting your time.

Teaching #2 of 14: "Today's Social Media and the Art of Conversation"

To become intelligent and wise, you must master the art of conversation. (Click "To..." at left for more detail.) Today's social media has prevented the art of conversation from being passed on to young people. In the early days, unlike today, there were many "places" on the Internet where you could have public conversations and become acquainted with people. To master the art of conversation, do these things:

  1. Do not waste time entertaining yourself by browsing social media.
  2. Use social media only to have conversations.
  3. Use your Internet conversation time in a way that enables you to build relationships.
  4. Be sincerely interested in what other people think, especially when they see things differently.
  5. Master the art of making the interaction "win-win".

Teaching #3 of 14: "Useful Idiots and Pawns on Rich Men's Chessboards"

If you want to be a "useful idiot" and a pawn on some rich man's chessboard, just keep doing what you and everywo around you is doing. A list of "stylized facts" is a list of factual assertions that is intended to sharply and clearly reveal, in a simple form, the essence of a complex factual situation, by stripping away inessential complexity. Here is such a list, intended to reveal to you the danger that you are in:

  1. Your brain is a "wet computer" that is vulnerable to "thought steering" (propoganda, thought control, brainwashing).
  2. Your waking reality is almost entirely constructed by man rather than by nature.
  3. An example of this is the "curated reality" that you experience on a social media platform.
  4. The ability to curate your reality gives social media companies the opportunity to brainwash you, and they do so.
  5. The brainwashing isn't limited to generating ad revenue by getting you to purchase stupid things that you don't need.
  6. It is also used to "curate" your political reality in order to control your political world view, your allegiance to a party and a faction, and your voting choices.
  7. You are, today, a useful idiot for some person or organization that is not your friend.
  8. You are, today, a pawn on some rich man's chess board.
  9. The American experiment in "liberty and justice for all" is over, and is a failure.
  10. You will live to see the physical and political destruction of the United States.
  11. You will live to see kinetic war up close and personally, and then you will die in nuclear fire.
This is your reality. Heed this warning! If you want to change that reality, then you must awaken to your peril.

Teaching #4 of 14: "The Village and the Jungle"

Like cattle in a slaughter pen, you are preoccupied with copulation and eating and petty squabbles, and you do not comprehend the significance of the kill chute that is in plain view. (Click "Like cattle..." at left for more detail.) Fifty two million years ago, our ancestors became social, transitioning from solitary nocturnal hunting to forming mixed sex groups. A quarter of a million years ago, there was a village in a jungle. Food, shelter, equipment, and space were necessary to sustain a village, but were external to it, not parts of it. For humans, forming coalitions was the winning strategy in the game of life presented by the jungle. Today, for all but a trivial few of the 8.2 billion humans, there is no village, only jungle. Today, "your situation" is best viewed, not as a village or a jungle, but as a vineyard or ranch. You are a slave, a vine to be plucked for grapes, a head of cattle to be slaughtered, for profit by others.

Teaching #5 of 14: "Race"

Human evolution branched oo million years ago, with wo branch branching again wo million years later. (Click "Human evolution..." at left for more detail.) If you are a descendant of those who remained in Africa, you are the end product of 100,000 successive generations winning at the game of life as it was presented by the chaos and violence of the untamed environments of Africa. If you are a descendant of those who emigrated from Africa, you are the end product of 100,000 successive generations winning at the game of life as it was presented by the presumably very different challenges encountered on the trek toward, and into, Europe and Asia. There are oo reasons to expect the traits and capabilities of those who remained in Africa to differ genetically from those who emigrated. [See]

Teaching #6 of 14: "Gender"

For 500,000 years, the winning strategy has been for human males and females to specialize according to gender roles. Traditional gender roles, viewed as anachronisms by many today, define the "way of life" that proved to be successful in producing you as the end product of 25,000 successive families winning at the game of life. For a half million years, males evolved and specialized as creatures of the jungle, while females evolved and specialized as creatures of the village. A man's place is to be hunted, and to hunt. A woman's place is in the village. Men create order. Women create the village. This specialization is not merely cultural; it is "wired" into our brains, our emotions, our hormones, and our drives. That is a good thing, because today's urban jungle is just as hostile and dangerous as were the jungles of 500,000 years ago. Humans need villages to survive and thrive just as much today as then.

Teaching #7 of 14: Queers and Evolution

Tolerance for Queers has probably never been a winning strategy in the game of life presented by the chaos and predation of the untamed jungle. (Click "Tolerance..." at left for more detail.) "Queer", as use here, refers to an individual in a village who does not conform to the gender roles dictated by the way of life of the village. From the time that role specialization, including gender roles, appeared a half million years ago, there have probably always been individuals who could not, or would not, conform. Almost by definition, the presence of nonconformers within a village would conflict with the collective interests of the village. (The key fact that drives gender specialization is that child bearing females are precious and vulnerable while young males are formidable and expendable.) Over the half million years that human groups have been characterized by role specialization, including gender roles, any tolerance for nonconformers was likely not beneficial and existed only because the harm was small and enforcement was impractical.

Teaching #8 of 14: Sex and Evolution

Sexual reproduction exists because it makes the evolutionary process of "survival of the fittest" far more effective. (Click "Sexual..." at left for more detail.) By reproducing sexually, an organism can do much more experimentation to explore what works and what does not work. Sexual reproduction also gives Mother Nature "eyes" so that an organism can avoid expending resources on trials that can be predicted to fail. Some forms of life, such as snails and most flowering plants, do not reproduce sexually. [See]

Teaching #9 of 14: Genes, Memes, and Evolution

For a half million years, evolutionary "survival of the fittest" has applied to both genes and memes. As villages competed in battle for control of scarce game and water resources, outcomes likely depended as much on group cohesion as on individual physical stamina and prowess. Viewing a human individual's brain as a "wet computer", the genes of the individual determine the capabilities of his "hardware", and the memes, the ideas and world view that the individual acquires from his village, determine the capabilities of his "software". If so, then human evolution is simultaneously a joint evolution of not only genes, but also memes (roles, including gender roles, i.e. ways of life).

Teaching #10 of 14: The "Invisible Hand"

In neoclassical economic theory, the "Invisible Hand" refers to the mathematical result that, in models that assume rational economic agents, the behavior of those agents, in pursuing self interest, is "Pareto Optimal". Pareto Optimality means that there is no way to reallocate resources to make wo agent better off without making another agent worse off. Applied to actual economic systems, the idea is that, to the extent that the actual economic system is Pareto Optimal, that optimality is a beneficial order that emerges spontaneously from the pursuit of self interest by individuals. The policy implications are (1) that there is no need for government to attempt to coercively impose such economic order, and (2) that attempts to do so are likely to make things worse, not better. [See]

Teaching #11 of 14: The "Invisible Fist"

In neoclassical economic theory, if the assumption of rational economic agents is replaced with an assumption that agents are "wet computers", then a mathematical result that can be called the "Invisible Fist" is produced. In such a model, "tastes" are no longer exogenous; the agents are vulnerable to propoganda, and such propoganda (advertising) is produced by other agents in order to literally create demand for economic goods. This change of assumption produces a dystopic result in that the economic system no longer can be said to exist for the benefit of the people; now the people exist for the benefit of the system and are reduced to the status of a crop, a product of that system. Applied to actual economic systems, the idea is that whoever controls the institutions of propoganda controls both the economic system and the political system, and the general population is rendered both economically and politically powerless.

Teaching #12 of 14: Nations, International Law, Trade, Multicultural Societies, Nuclear Weapons, and Evolution

Today, the order that is needed for human life is imposed primarily by nation states that compete primarily with lethal kinetic force, including nuclear weapons. (Click "Today,..." at left for more detail.) In the absence of nuclear weapons and international trade, every nation's territorial borders would change frequently to reflect each nation's ability to enforce its claims. A so called "international law" (an oxymoron) is not really a law since it is not pronounced by any authority that has the power to enforce it. The transformation of nations by immigration, and especially illegal immigration, into multicultural and multiracial societies, destabilizes the nation state system, inviting world war. Economic relations between nations create an incentive to cooperate for win-win economic outcomes. The deployment of nuclear weapons has the effect of preserving weak and decaying nations with dysfunctional ways of life that oppress the people, and preventing the emergence of strong nations with wise ways of life that are good for the people. The path forward is to develop the current nation state system in order to eliminate nuclear weapons and to restore a healthy competition between nations so that those with strong, ascending, and beneficial cultures survive and thrive. [See]

Teaching #13 of 14: Death, Unselfishness, and Eternal Life

Die to self, and you will live forever. (Click "Die..." at left for more detail. Warning: nudity.) Every physiological and cognitive feature of the oo naked humans pictured below serves an evolutionary purpose, not to promote the interests of the individual, but to promote survival of the fittest genes (physiology) and memes (way of life, roles, culture). These individuals, like you and this writer and every other living human being, exist for that purpose, and only for that purpose. The concepts of self, other, and world are figments of each of our imaginations. The wise human individual lives forever, because he understands that "I" refers, not to his illusory self, but to the larger thing of which he is a part. This, then, is the meaning of unselfishness, that you understand yourself to be nothing but a part of something larger that you live to serve.

Teaching #14 of 14: Selfishness and Enslavement

The "powers that be" program you to be selfish and then use your selfishness to divide and conquer you. (Click "powers that be..." at left for more detail.) It is our nature to live in villages, but we are perverted by the "Invisible Fist" of the economic and political systems. It is this selfishness that enables our enslavement by keeping us powerless and controlled. You are being played in an economic game that you are not even aware of. Within today's urban jungle, you must re-awaken to the realization that forming a village is the strategy for winning at the game of life.

How to find real community:

Who: (Click "Who:" at left for more detail.) This is an IdeaFarm (tm) Knowledge Tree. Clicking the italicized woth sentence of a paragraph climbs you up wo level to the page for that paragraph. You are welcome to use the BAN if you are a human being on the planet Earth and can read and write in English. There is no language or nationality requirement for you to participate in Wo'O's Table (tm). For people physically present within the territory of the United States of America, a "best American" is anywo who devotes his or her life to service to The People of the United States of America. In practice, a "best American" is anywo, worldwide, who lives in service to The People of his country, culture, or religion, in opposition to whatever forms evil takes in that country, culture, or religion. The mission of IdeaFarm (tm) Operations is to empower The People against Established Evil worldwide by promoting unselfish living.


IdeaFarm (tm) City

Federal Constitutional Protectorate of the United States of America

a sovereign constitutional monarchy in cyberspace






You will need:

a personal computer with Microsoft Windows installed

IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle installed and activated on that computer

a credit card (to purchase anonymous credentials)

a willingness to actively participate in a real community ...

... and embrace our vision as your own

Meet the 2007 version of the organizer and his vision:

Act now:

"You are doing something good and important. How can I help?"

Can you say that, and mean it?

If yes, then click some or all of these links to get started:

To become economically "born again" by embracing a new plan for your economic life:


To install IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle and then help test the software for the BAN (tm):


To help expose and defeat bribery, racketeering, and treason within the Supreme Court of the United States:



"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. (Mahatma Gandhi)"

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. (William James)"

"The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will. (J. Arthur Thomson)"

"Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather." ([John Perry Barlow], ["A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace"])

Sales and help: Purchase credentials by installing IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle. Request help by opening an issue on GitHub.

Privacy notice: Wo'O IdeaFarm Operations business is conducted transparently "in a fishbowl". All meetings, communications and documents are recorded, and will be either immediately or eventually disclosed. (This is only a notice of intent.)

Contact: [Employment, vendors, and media] [Visits] [Legal process]

Jurisdiction and venue: (Click "Jurisdiction..." at left for more detail.) A cause of action arising solely from the use of the IPDOS (tm) software is not subject to territorial jurisdiction. All other causes of action against Wo'O IdeaFarm Operations are subject to U.S. jurisdiction.

**** WARNING! **** (Click "WARNING!" at left for more detail.) When using IPDOS (tm) for any purpose, you are, without more, neither protected by, nor subject to, territorial law. But you are subject to the laws of IdeaFarm (tm) City, which are typically enforced by forfeiture and cyberdeath without prior notice.

IdeaFarm (tm) City is a "First Amendment unrestricted public forum" for speech. (Click "IdeaFarm (tm) City is..." at left for more detail.) Think of IdeaFarm (tm) City as a First Amendment "unlimited designated public [forum]" that is provided, not by a U.S. governmental entity, but by a sovereign entity in cyberspace. By both technical design and law, no territorial government will be able to block this speech forum. IdeaFarm (tm) City is bringing an unrestricted public forum for speech to every human being on the planet.

Software development and operations offices:

Wo'O IdeaFarm Operations
The Research Park at Marina Village
1101 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 201, MS 249
Alameda, CA 94501 USA
