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Today, within every major world religion, there is a partition among those who practice the religion between those who believe the myth (story) and those who do not, and this partitioning will continue to exist because it works.

In ancient villages, persons had no choice but to believe the myth as "what is" fact because no alternative story was available. But as engineering knowledge of the world developed, at first within religion but later splitting off to form "science", it became possible to practice a myth without believing it as "what is" fact. Myth is more effective in bringing a person into an understanding of, and compliance with, a way of life, when the person believes the myth (way of life model) to be "what is" fact. But a person who uses engineering knowledge to build things is more effective when his "what is" fact comes from science rather than from religion. For such a person, there are re possibilities:

  1. Understand "what is" only from science, and embrace the "way of life" teachings of religion only as a formula for life that is to be complied with but not believed.
  2. Understand both "what is" and "way of life" only from religion.
  3. Synthesis the scientific authority of "what is" with the religious authority of "way of life"