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IDEAFARM.COM frames its world view as a battle between "The People" and "The Evil Establishment" for control, in every country, worldwide.

The vision for government that Speaker Mike Johnson reduced to writing expresses the essence of this battle in the context of the U.S.. IDEAFARM.COM frames the situation using different words, but it is the same vision. As framed on IDEAFARM.COM, the problem is worldwide, its solution must be worldwide, and, in the U.S., far more is needed than a change in which party controls the federal government. Unlike the vision as expressed by Speaker Johnson, the expression on IDEAFARM.COM uses phrases such as, "Evil Establishment", to emphasise that, "A BILLION DOLLARS CAN PUNCH THROUGH ANY WALL", and that the appearance of popular control over government in the U.S. is not the reality; it is charade. Speaker Johnson's distillation can be read to say, "All is well in the U.S. now that Republicans control the government." In contrast, the teachings on IDEAFARM.COM should be read to say that the 2024 change in who controls the federal government is only a baby step, and that an awakening and transformation of The People is needed before The People can be empowered or the Evil Establishment can be defeated.