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At IDEAFARM.COM, you can use your precious time to make yourself powerful, but only if you are willing to work to study and master its teachings.

In economic theory, the "opportunity cost" of any choice is the gain that the best alternative choice would have given. Young people do not realize how high the opportunity cost is of wasting an hour browsing toxic, "curated reality" microblogging media. There are so many other ways to experience the same level of enjoyment while also accomplishing something that will change your tomorrrows for the better. In addition, there are ways to work, and work, while often less pleasant in the moment than pure recreation, can give you the joy of accomplishment and of service to others, high self esteem, and money and power with which you can make a positive difference in the world.

IDEAFARM.COM is not designed to entertain you; it is designed to give you the joy of accomplishment as you work to master the teachings. Plain text that is worth reading needs no adornment. Make the effort to carefully read, reflect, discuss, and apply (to your life) each idea that you encounter here. Master each teaching before you move on to the next. Do it with a friend, so that you can advance in wisdom together the easy way, rather than advancing alone, which is the hard way. The more that you put into mastering this page, the more you will gain from it. It will be work, but it will be pleasant work, especially if you chat with us while you study this page.

As you master the teachings, you will grow in wisdom and in self esteem, and you will discover how to become powerful. The opportunity cost of wasting an hour is the value of the wisdom and self esteem and power that you could have spent that hour gaining.