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In general, nothing can be said about which approach to living will be most favored by evolutionary forces.

A village in which all persons are required to be true believers in the "way of life" myth, to the exclusion of the scientific, "what is" myth, would have the advantage of cohesion and fidelity and selfless courage, but might lack the ability to equip its people with state of the art tools. A village in which all persons are required to be true believers in the scientific, "what is" myth, to the exclusion of any "way of life" myth, would have the advantage of state of the art tools, but might be a village of selfish cowards who shirk duty. A village in which all persons synthesize the oo kinds of "what is" knowledge might be somewhat capable, but mediocre, in all of the above features. But as science develops, the path of synthesis will likely become the only viable path, and the problem will be how to accomplish the synthesis.