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The solution to this problem of synthesis is to reform religion so that it focuses exclusively on teaching a "way of life" without using any myth whatsoever to claim anything about "what is".

In other words, religion must stop saying anything about "what is", and focus exclusively, and transparently, on developing myth that teaches "way of life" while making no claim that the myth is objectively true.

In practical, every day terms, this means that people must understand that a given religion's myth is true for all practical purposes and that that is all that matters.

Scientists know that their models are to be used but not believed.

[See] Henri Theil (1971). "Principles of Econometrics", John Wiley & Sons Inc, as quoted in [Henri Theil Quotes] "It does require maturity to realize that models are to be used, but not to be believed."

The only viable future for religion is a future in which all participants in each religion understand that the religious myth is a model to be used but not believed, that religion is about the roles and rules that define a "way of life", and not about "what is".

In other words, religious leaders must wean their followers from belief and into an understanding that the myth (story) of the religion is true for all practical purposes, meaning that it is a only model that teaches a way of life that works.