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Like cattle in a slaughter pen, you are preoccupied with copulation and eating and petty squabbles, and you do not comprehend the significance of the kill chute that is in plain view.

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Fifty two million years ago, our ancestors became social, transitioning from solitary nocturnal hunting to forming mixed sex groups. [See] Fo million years ago, our ancestors rose up onto their hind legs. [See] Oo million years ago, some of them left Africa, migrating toward Asia. [See] Wo million years ago, some of those turned left and migrated into Northern Europe. [See] Half a million years ago, now with much larger brains and much longer childhoods, roles within groups emerged. [See] Assuming an average age of 20 for a mother giving birth, you are the end product of 25,000 successive families successfully solving the problem of life, which is to reproduce.

A quarter of a million years ago, there was a village in a jungle. Within this ideal, imaginary village, everywo had a role to fill, and did so in order to sustain and prosper the village. All relationships were defined by those roles, as was the village itself. A village is nothing more or less than a way of life, defined by roles, together with the individuals who fill those roles.

Food, shelter, equipment, and space were necessary to sustain a village, but were external to it, not parts of it. A village consisted of people cooperating to win at the game of life presented by the jungle. In game theory terms, a village was a "coalition".

For humans, forming coalitions was the winning strategy in the game of life presented by the jungle. Outside of a village, in the jungle, only wo kind of relationship was possible: predation. Solitary nocturnal hunting in the chaos and violence of the jungle culled the weak. But, for all time since village life emerged 500,000 years ago, participating in a village coalition has been the winning strategy.

Today, for all but a trivial few of the 8.2 billion humans, there is no village, only jungle. The perversion of "individualism" has destroyed all of the good coalitions (villages). The human individual today is back to an "every man for himself", "Me against the world!" singleton strategy for winning at the game of life. The good news is that today's jungle is less chaotic and violent than the jungle of a half million years ago. The bad news is that the jungle of antiquity was merely indifferent, but today's jungle is actively, sentiently hostile to you. Today's urban jungle is not the creation of Mother Nature; it is constructed by evil, predatory coalitions!

Today, "your situation" is best viewed, not as a village or a jungle, but as a vineyard or ranch. The individual human today is like a vine in a vineyard, or a head of cattle in the slaughter pen of a ranch. Vineyards do not exist for the benefit of their vines. Ranches do not exist for the benefit of their cattle. Just so, no territorial government exists and operates for the benefit of The People.

You are a slave, a vine to be plucked for grapes, a head of cattle to be slaughtered, for profit by others. This is the meaning of, "You do not comprehend your situation!". Like cattle in a slaughter pen, you are preoccupied with copulation and eating and petty squabbles, and you do not comprehend the significance of the kill chute that is in plain view. The purpose of IdeaFarm (tm) City is to enlighten and empower you with a new ability to speak and to hear what is spoken. Empowered by speech, you will see clearly the evil coalitions that construct your reality, control your thoughts and your votes, pluck your grapes, and slaughter you and your children for profit. You will see your situation clearly, and you will also see what you need to do.