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(Click "Who:" to read this IdeaFarm (tm) Knowledge Tree branch in full detail.)

You are welcome to use the BAN if you are a human being on the planet Earth and can read and write in English. There are no other requirements. The BAN is a place in cyberspace where you can interact with others anonymously, using an identity called a "wight". Your wight, however, is accountable for its behavior. It will be rewarded for good behavior, penalized for bad behavior, and "killed" if necessary. Wights are transferable and can be bought and sold, so you have an incentive to use your wight in a way that promotes its reputation and hence its market value.

There is no language or nationality requirement for you to participate in Wo'O's Table (tm). Wo'O's Table (tm) refers to any local group, anywhere on Earth, who meets for the purpose described at the top of Any such group may form and use the trademark "Wo'O's Table" (tm) as long as every such use includes a link to, or the URI of, There is no supervision or registry and no way to file a complaint. It is up to participants in such groups to verify that the group operates as described at the top of

For people physically present within the territory of the United States of America, a "best American" is anywo who devotes his or her life to service to the People of the United States of America. For people physically present within other territories, a "best American" is anywo who devotes his or her life to service to the People of his or her country or culture or religion. For example, an Iranian is a "best American", as used here, if that Iranian devotes his or her life to service to the People of Iran, of Iranian culture, or of Islam. For such a person, "best American" only means that the person strives to promote liberty, justice, and economic power for the People, according to the form that those ideals have within that country, culture, or religion.

In practice, a "best American" is anywo, worldwide, who lives in service to the People of his country, culture, or religion, in opposition to whatever forms evil takes in that country, culture, or religion. On IDEAFARM.COM, those evil forms are called "the Establishment". Every country, culture, and religion has an "Establishment" that exists in opposition to the People generally, and to the ideals of, that country, culture, or religion. If you stand with, and for, the People generally, and for those ideals, then you are a "best American" as the phrase is used on IDEAFARM.COM.

The mission of IdeaFarm (tm) Operations is to empower the People against Established Evil worldwide by promoting unselfish living. IdeaFarm (tm) Operations pursues that mission by organizing unselfish people into an economic association in order to create a strong incentive for people to choose to live unselfishly.