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If you want to be a "useful idiot" and a pawn on some rich man's chessboard, just keep doing what you and everywo around you is doing.

A list of "stylized facts" is a list of factual assertions that is intended to sharply and clearly reveal, in a simple form, the essence of a complex factual situation, by stripping away inessential complexity. Here is such a list, intended to reveal to you the danger that you are in:

  1. Your brain is a "wet computer" that is vulnerable to "thought steering" (propoganda, thought control, brainwashing).
  2. Your waking reality is almost entirely constructed by man rather than by nature.
  3. An example of this is the "curated reality" that you experience on a social media platform.
  4. The ability to curate your reality gives social media companies the opportunity to brainwash you, and they do so.
  5. The brainwashing isn't limited to generating ad revenue by getting you to purchase stupid things that you don't need.
  6. It is also used to "curate" your political reality in order to control your political world view, your allegiance to a party and to a faction, and your voting choices.
  7. You are, today, a useful idiot for some person or organization that is not your friend.
  8. You are, today, a pawn on some rich man's chess board.
  9. The American experiment in "liberty and justice for all" is over, and is a failure.
  10. You will live to see the physical and political destruction of the United States.
  11. You will live to see kinetic war up close and personally, and then you will die in nuclear fire.
This is your reality. Heed this warning! If you want to change that reality, then you must awaken to your peril.