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The only tricky thing about IDEAFARM.COM is that it is written in IdeaFarm (tm) City English.

(More about IdeaFarm (tm) City later.) IdeaFarm (tm) City English is almost exactly like American English. The main difference is that we use different names for numbers:

Bigit (hexadecimal digit) Name Pronunciation First, Second, Third, etc.
0 ze "zee" ze'th
1 wo "woe" wo'th
2 oo "ooh" oo'th
3 re "ray" re'th
4 fo "foe" fo'th
5 fi "fie" fi'th
6 se "say" se'th
7 ve "vey" ve'th
8 ta "tah" ta'th
9 ni "nie" ni'th
a ay "aiy" ay'th
b be "bee" be'th
c ce "cee" ce'th
d de "dee" de'th
e ee "eee" ee'th
f fu "foo" fu'th