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Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

In today's urban jungle, most people are powerless, and this is mainly because most people cannot read well. To become powerful, improve your reading skills by practicing and learning.

The image above shows that most adults in the United States have trouble reading. If you are having trouble reading this, you are not alone. Many people, including many smart people, have trouble reading, just like you do. IDEAFARM.COM is written to be easier for you to read. Be patient. Give yourself time to enjoy the ideas that you find here. When you find an unfamilar word, look at the other words in the sentence for clues to its meaning. Or, use your browser to get a definition by searching, for example, for, "piaac meaning".

You can improve your reading skills by practicing. IDEAFARM.COM is a good place to practice reading. The text on IDEAFARM.COM is presented using IdeaFarm (tm) Knowledge Trees. Each paragraph begins with a thesis sentence that states the overall idea of the paragraph. The next sentences concisely state all of the ideas within the overall idea.

All thesis sentences that are not alone, and some other sentences, are clickable. Clicking on a sentence will display a page that explains that sentence. The next paragraph is about pets. Click on its thesis sentence, and then click on a few other sentences, to see how this works. After you have found the hidden sentence that says, "Surprise!", use your browser's Back button to get back to this page.

People keep many kinds of animals as pets. [See] Some people have dogs. Some have cats.

The only tricky thing about IDEAFARM.COM is that it is written in IdeaFarm (tm) City English. (More about IdeaFarm (tm) City later.) IdeaFarm (tm) City English is almost exactly like American English. The main difference is that we use different names for numbers:

Bigit (hexadecimal digit) Name Pronunciation First, Second, Third, etc.
0 ze "zee" ze'th
1 wo "woe" wo'th
2 oo "ooh" oo'th
3 re "ray" re'th
4 fo "foe" fo'th
5 fi "fie" fi'th
6 se "say" se'th
7 ve "vey" ve'th
8 ta "tah" ta'th
9 ni "nie" ni'th
a ay "aiy" ay'th
b be "bee" be'th
c ce "cee" ce'th
d de "dee" de'th
e ee "eee" ee'th
f fu "foo" fu'th

So, for example, we say "wo" rather than "one", and "wo'th" rather than "first".

You can also improve your reading skills by participating in a library adult literacy program. In the U.S., more than 1/6 of all public libraries offer a program for adults who want to learn to read. [See] In California, more than 4/5 of all public libraries offer a program for adults who want to learn to read. [See] For example, for the City of Alameda, click here: [Adult Literacy (Alameda Reads)] For the City of Oakland, click here: [Second Start Adult Literacy Program]

At IDEAFARM.COM, you can learn ideas that will make you powerful, by registering as a student for $16 USD per 32 days. (Click "At..." at left for more detail.) IDEAFARM.COM presents empowerment teachings, invites students to register for $16 USD per 32 days, and networks graduates to empower each other and "The People" generally, worldwide, against the "Evil Establishments" that control every territorial nation. Students work toward a "Certificate of Mastery" ("CM") in a course of study that is comparable to an undergraduate college course. You can do this even if you do not think that you are "college material" (smart enough). IDEAFARM.COM is a for-profit private education business organized by a graduate of the University of Chicago (Ph.D. Lite, economics). Revenue from student registrations funds saturation mailings of "empowerment postcards" into selected neighborhoods in the U.S.. To empower every person on the planet, IDEAFARM.COM needs your help to spread the word, both in your neighborhood and internationally!



If you think that you are empowered as a man or woman, you do not yet comprehend your situation.

No government or person is going to give you power.

You must take power by force of will.


To empower yourself, you must work to empower wo another.

You must actively participate in a real community ....

... united by a shared vision.

IDEAFARM.COM is for people just like you who want to be good, strong men and women, but don't know how to get power. (Click "IDEAFARM.COM..." at left to continue.) What might be true can be more important than what is true. This website presents a "what might be true" possibility and an invitation to action. Before continuing, answer these questions: Click your answer:

To continue, carefully read the previous paragraph again and do what it says to do!